Home » Next events » AISPE presents the session “Italian economists facing fascism: theories, strategies and policies” at 21th STOREP Annual Conference. June 27-29, 2024


AISPE presents the session “Italian economists facing fascism: theories, strategies and policies” at 21th STOREP Annual Conference. June 27-29, 2024


The 21h STOREP Annual Conference will take place at the Università degli Studi di Milano  from the 27th to the 29th of June 2024.

Topic “Why Inequalities Grow: Value and Distribution in the History of Economic Thought”

AISPE will present the session “Italian economists facing fascism: theories, strategies and policies”

Chair: Manuela Mosca

Manuela Mosca (University of Salento), Antonio de Viti de Marco and the oath of loyalty to fascism

Fabrizio Bientinesi (University of Pisa), The economists’ reactions to the adoption of clearing

Giovanni Pavanelli (University of Torino), Facing dictatorship: Luigi Einaudi’s work as liberal economist and thinker under fascism

Claudia Rotondi (University Cattolica del S. Cuore of Milan), Middle Ages and Medievalism in Corporative Economic Thought

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