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HES New Initiatives Fund


HES New Initiatives Fund


The History of Economics Society was formally constituted in 1974 to promote interest in and inquiry into the history of economics and related parts of intellectual history. To help further this goal, the Society has established a New Initiatives Fund. Competition for support from the Fund is open to HES members only.


The Society is willing to support up to three projects per year, with a maximum of $5000 support provided to each selected proposal. The primary selection criterion will be the quality of the proposal in light of the preferences and submission guidelines listed below. The HES will not consider proposals to fund individual travel for research projects or conference participation. Proposals that include funding for travel for multiple participants (e.g. workshops or exchanges) will be considered. Projects must directly support the mission of the HES, as specified above.


Proposals will be vetted by an Initiatives Committee consisting of Jeff Biddle (chair), Nahid Aslanbeigui, and Muriel Dalpont Legrand. Recommendations of this committee will then be voted on by the full Executive Committee.


Preference will be given to proposals that are well designed to encourage research and/or teaching initiatives.


Preference will be given to projects that promote and extend the activities of the Society.


Preference will also be given to projects have the potential to increase the number of scholars doing research on the history of economics.


Multi-year initiatives will be viewed more favorably if they have a plausible plan for developing their own sources of ongoing funding. Funding from the Society is not considered an ongoing commitment but may be renewed at the committee’s discretion.


Recipients are expected to submit a report to the HES President following the completion of the event specifying how the funds were utilized, summarizing the proceedings of the event, and reporting on the assessment results.


There will be two calls for proposals this fiscal year. The first will have a deadline of  December 15th, 2016. Final decisions on proposals submitted by this deadline will be made by the HES Executive committee at its January 2017 meeting. The second call for proposals will have a deadline of May 15, 2017, with final decisions made at the June 2017 meeting of the HES Executive Committee.


Guidelines and Proposal Format


Proposals should not exceed 1500 words and must include the following:


  1. Cover page providing the name, mailing address, phone number and email address of all proposers.


  1. Project narrative addressing


-Need for and objectives of the project;

-Tentative dates, proposed location, as applicable;

-Project design including the major features and specific activities of the project and how they relate to the goals of the History of Economics Society;

-Strategy for project evaluation;

-Personnel who will be involved in the project and their roles


  1. Detailed budget indicating how the dollar figure requested was determined, how the money will be used and when.


  1. A one page vita from each Principal Investigator highlighting professional activities relevant to the proposal, and any previous experience managing grants, organizing conferences, etc.


How to Apply 


Proposals should be submitted electronically as pdf files to the New Initiatives Committee chair, Jeff Biddle (biddle@msu.edu).


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