Home » Next events » AISPE presents the session “The Economics of Interdependence in the EU: Evolution, Dominant Paradigms, and Policy Choices” at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association. October 20-22, 2022


AISPE presents the session “The Economics of Interdependence in the EU: Evolution, Dominant Paradigms, and Policy Choices” at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association. October 20-22, 2022


The 63rd Annual Conference (Riunione Scientifica Annuale-RSA) of the Italian Economic Association (Società Italiana di Economia-SIE) will be held in Torino on October 20-22, 2022, in partnership with the University of Torino.

AISPE will present the session The Economics of Interdependence in the EU: Evolution, Dominant Paradigms, and Policy Choices

Fabio Masini, L’Unione Europea e le sfide della sostenibilità, 1993-2022
Antonio Magliulo, On the Monetary Relations between America and Europe after Bretton Woods. The Influential Role of Richard N. Cooper
Adelaide Mozzi, L’evoluzione della governance economica europea alla luce della crisi Covid-19 e del conflitto in Ucraina

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