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Colloquia doctoralia: Eleonora Buono presents “An Economist of Value. The Fact/Value Dialectic in William Stanley Jevons’s Thought”
8 April 2022 9:45 / no comments
Eleonora Buono presents her paper An Economist of Value. The Fact/Value Dialectic in William Stanley Jevons’s Thought, in the colloquia doctoralia. The webinar will be held on June 6, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia Alternatively, participate by call (only audio) tel:+390200624808,,108770499# Milano, Italy ID Conference Call: 108 […]
Colloquia doctoralia: Gianraimondo Farina presents “Le Grandi Utopie sulla Sardegna. Il popolazionismo sabaudo e la questione demografica sarda fra XVIII e XIX secolo”
9:42 / no comments
Gianraimondo Farina presents his paper Le Grandi Utopie sulla Sardegna. Il popolazionismo sabaudo e la questione demografica sarda fra XVIII e XIX secolo. The webinar will be held on May 19, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia
Colloquia doctoralia: Renato Raffaele Amoroso presents “European Investment Bank and the Mezzogiorno”
9:35 / no comments
Renato Raffaele Amoroso presents his paper European Investment Bank and the Mezzogiorno: The Debate on the Drafting of the Statute and the Bank’s Lending Policy, in the colloquia doctoralia. The webinar will be held on May 5, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia
Presentation of the volume “Ordoliberalismo. Costituzione e critica dei concetti (1933-1973)” (A. Zanini)
8:30 / no comments
Adelino Zanini presents his volume Ordoliberalismo. Costituzione e critica dei concetti (1933-1973). April 22th, 2022 – 6pm Link:
Presentation of the volume “Dalla colonizzazione alle nuove migrazioni” (S. Misiani-G. Sabatini)
8:30 / no comments
Simone Misiani and Gaetano Sabatini present their volume Dalla colonizzazione alle nuove migrazioni. Il contributo della storia all’analisi del mondo contemporaneo April 8th, 2022 – 6pm Link:
International Adam Smith Society Conference – Bogotà, July 11th-13th, 2022
24 February 2022 19:59 / no comments
International Adam Smith Society Conference will take place on 11-13 July 2022 at the University of Andes, Bogotà, Colombia. Deadline call for papers: 25th February 2022 Link:
Presentation of the volume “Albert O. Hirschman: An Intellectual Biography” (M. Alacevich)
18:23 / no comments
Michele Alacevich presents his volume Albert O. Hirschman: An Intellectual Biography. March 24th, 2022 – 6pm link:
8th Latin American Conference on the History of Economic Thought. April 20-22th, 2022 – Montevideo (Uruguay)
18:01 / no comments
The 8th Latin American Conference on the History of Economic Thought will be hosted by Universidad de la República, in Montevideo (Uruguay), between April 20 and 22, 2022. Conference topic: Doing HET from LAC: superiorities, empires, and all the rest Link:
Call for papers of the AGreenFin Conference – Deadline: February 28th, 2022
17:50 / no comments
If you are interested in taking part in the AGreenFin Conference, please send your paper to by the 28th February, 2022. The event will be hosted by the University of Pisa. All the details are in the attached poster. final_call_for_papers_12_jan_2022
Presentation of the volume “Luigi Einaudi. Scrittore di Banca e Borsa” (S. Nerozzi)
17:13 / no comments
Carlo Cristiano and Sebastiano Nerozzi present the volume Luigi Einaudi. Scrittore di Banca e Borsa by Sebastiano Nerozzi. March 10th, 2022 6 pm