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Call PhD Economics cycle XXXVIII, Tuscan Universities – Deadline: August 10th, 2022
8 April 2022 11:57 / no comments
From 8 July to 10 August the call for the XXXVIII cycle of the PhD in Economics of the Tuscan Universities (Siena, Florence and Pisa) is open. The PhD programme is open to thesis projects in Economic History and History of Economic Thought. The call for applications is available at […]
AISPE presents the session “Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment” at 19th Charles Gide Society Conference. July 7-9, 2022
9:53 / no comments
The 19th conference of the Charles Gide Society will take place at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne from the 7th to the 9th of July 2022. This event, organized by PHARE (Philosophie, Histoire et Analyse de la Pensée Economique, University Paris 1), LED (Laboratoire d’Economie Dyonisien, University Paris 8) and CES (Centre d’Economie […]
Colloquia doctoralia: Valentina Erasmo presents “‘Who is/are the capability theorist/s?’: A Tale on the Origins and Development of the Capability Approach”
9:52 / no comments
Valentina Erasmo presents her paper ‘Who is/are the capability theorist/s?’: A Tale on the Origins and Development of the Capability Approach, in the colloquia doctoralia. The webinar will be held on July 5, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: Team per Colloquia doctoralia
AISPE presents the session “Women and Economics during the Progressive Era” at the 49th Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society (HES). June 16-19, 2022
9:50 / no comments
The 49th Annual Meeting will take place June 16 to 19 at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN. AISPE will present the session “Women and Economics during the Progressive Era”: Chair: Manuela Mosca, University of Salento, AISPE President Rebeca Gomez Betancourt and David Philippy, American Home Economists’ Progressive Science of Consumption and […]
Colloquia doctoralia: Valentina Sgro presents “Italian Canadians between Work and Assistance. The Role of Villa Charities in the XX century”
9:50 / no comments
Valentina Sgro presents her paper Italian Canadians between Work and Assistance. The Role of Villa Charities in the XX century, in the colloquia doctoralia. The webinar will be held on June 16, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia
Colloquia doctoralia: Eleonora Buono presents “An Economist of Value. The Fact/Value Dialectic in William Stanley Jevons’s Thought”
9:45 / no comments
Eleonora Buono presents her paper An Economist of Value. The Fact/Value Dialectic in William Stanley Jevons’s Thought, in the colloquia doctoralia. The webinar will be held on June 6, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia Alternatively, participate by call (only audio) tel:+390200624808,,108770499# Milano, Italy ID Conference Call: 108 […]
Colloquia doctoralia: Gianraimondo Farina presents “Le Grandi Utopie sulla Sardegna. Il popolazionismo sabaudo e la questione demografica sarda fra XVIII e XIX secolo”
9:42 / no comments
Gianraimondo Farina presents his paper Le Grandi Utopie sulla Sardegna. Il popolazionismo sabaudo e la questione demografica sarda fra XVIII e XIX secolo. The webinar will be held on May 19, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia
Colloquia doctoralia: Renato Raffaele Amoroso presents “European Investment Bank and the Mezzogiorno”
9:35 / no comments
Renato Raffaele Amoroso presents his paper European Investment Bank and the Mezzogiorno: The Debate on the Drafting of the Statute and the Bank’s Lending Policy, in the colloquia doctoralia. The webinar will be held on May 5, 2022 at 6 PM and can be followed on MS Teams. Link: MS teams channel for colloquia doctoralia
Presentation of the volume “Ordoliberalismo. Costituzione e critica dei concetti (1933-1973)” (A. Zanini)
8:30 / no comments
Adelino Zanini presents his volume Ordoliberalismo. Costituzione e critica dei concetti (1933-1973). April 22th, 2022 – 6pm Link:
Presentation of the volume “Dalla colonizzazione alle nuove migrazioni” (S. Misiani-G. Sabatini)
8:30 / no comments
Simone Misiani and Gaetano Sabatini present their volume Dalla colonizzazione alle nuove migrazioni. Il contributo della storia all’analisi del mondo contemporaneo April 8th, 2022 – 6pm Link: