Letter to CRUI and MUR for a Doctorate in Historical-Economic Studies
Manuela Mosca, President of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE), Saverio Maria Fratini President of the Associazione Italiana...
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Current Issues in the History of Economic Thought
Coordinator: Simona Pisanelli
After the successful cycle of HET video lectures aimed at secondary school students and teachers, AISPE has decided to self-produce a cycle of short video lectures on topical economic issues, each about half an hour long.
This wide-ranging initiative appeals to those interested in major contemporary economic issues and their treatment throughout history. Creating the video lectures required expertise, historical knowledge, and the conviction that history is an indispensable tool for understanding the present.
The following is a list of economic issues we consider most relevant in today’s world; the list is, of course, open-ended and any suggestions are welcome: