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HET course



Letter to CRUI and MUR for a Doctorate in Historical-Economic Studies

Manuela Mosca, President of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE), Saverio Maria Fratini President of the Associazione Italiana...


Discounted subscriptions to “History of Political Economy” for AISPE members

AISPE is pleased to announce that Duke University Press offers its members discounted subscriptions to History of Political Economy at a rate of $70 for regular...


PRIN “The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999)”: Funded

The PRIN The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999): Methodological Issues, Ideas, Impact, International Connections, a Census and an Online Database has...

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

AISPE supports and promotes research on Italian women who, throughout history, influenced and engaged in debates on various economic issues, not only in academia...


Call for curricular internships within the framework of the PRIN “LexEcon. The international research network on the economic lexicon”

The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, in partnership with the Interuniversity Centre for Documentation on Italian Economic Thought...


“Rethinking Economics”. Cycle of HET video lessons for high schools

AISPE invites scholars to participate in the initiative with self-produced video lessons on the themes of the History of Economic Thought, by choosing (or adding)...


Presentation of AISPE members’ books.

AISPE is pleased to announce the fourth series of the presentation of new member volumes. The calendar is available here Presentation Becchio Presentation Avallone-Strangio Presentation...


Rethinking Economics: Video lectures HET for secondary schools

Coordinators: Antonio MagliuloFiorenza Manzalini

For the past few years, there has been an increasing collaboration between secondary schools and universities, both in order to support the education of young students – with PTSO (Pathway for Transversal Skills and Orientation) or quality disciplinary insights – and in order to create opportunities for the orientation in the academic environment.

For this reason, AISPE has decided to organize a series of self-produced HET video lectures aimed at students as well as teachers of secondary schools. The aim is to publicize and promote HET through the production of materials for self-training and Integrated Digital Didactics, designed as an opportunity for intersection with curricular disciplines (e.g., history, philosophy, literature, mathematics, etc.) and prepared in a way suitable for the audience of secondary school students.

Each lesson can be enriched by materials, readings or bibliographic sources.

Below, we propose a possible rundown of essential topics for a basic training course, and invite you to participate by choosing (or adding) one or more topics from those not covered yet:

00. Introduction by A. Magliulo

01. Greco-Roman thought

02. Judeo-Christian thought by M. Bianchini

03. Islamic thought by M. Bianchini

04. Continuity between Aristotle and Plato by M. Bianchini

05. Mercantilism and economic nationalism

06. Physiocracy and the origin of wealth

07. English classics by D. Parisi

08. Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations by S. Fiori

09.  Ricardo and Say: the conditions for a balanced development of capitalism by A. Magliulo

10. The heterodox Malthus and Sismondi: the crises of capitalism

11. The classical synthesis of J.S. Mill

12. Karl Marx by A. Le Donne

13. The Marginalists by M. Mosca

14. Neoclassical Alfred Marshall by F. Masini

15. Vilfredo Pareto and Maffeo Pantaleoni by F. Mornati

16. Thorstein Veblen by G. Forges Davanzati

17. Institutionalism for a critique of orthodox economics by A. Morselli

18. Keynes and the birth of modern macroeconomics by A. Magliulo

19. Hayek and the Austrian school of economics by A. Magliulo

20. Milton Friedman and the Chicago school by G. Becchio

21. Amartya Sen by V. Erasmo

22. The new mainstream of economic thought

23. The new heterodox economists by M. Varonese Passerella

Here is the link to the full playlist


Next events »

Presentation of the volume “L’economista anglofilo. Paolo Balsamo e l’utopia liberale in Sicilia (1787-1816)” by Fabrizio Simon

Presentation of the volume “L’economista anglofilo. Paolo Balsamo e l’utopia liberale in Sicilia (1787-1816)” by Fabrizio Simon

Fabrizio Simon and Maria Pia Paganelli present the volume L’economista anglofilo. Paolo Balsamo e l’utopia liberale in Sicilia (1787-1816) by Fabrizio Simon. The...


XVIII AISPE Conference. University of Macerata. October 2-4, 2025.
Deadline for submitting: March 31, 2025

The Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought is organizing the 18th AISPE Conference. The theme of the conference, which will be held at the University...


Special issues HETP and PEI. Call for papers presented at the Rome Conference.
Deadline: March 31, 2025

The journals History of Economic Thought and Policy (HETP) and Pensiero Economico Italiano (PEI) will be glad to publish a special issue based on papers presented...


Call for “Colloquia doctoralia”.
Deadline: February 28, 2025

The Associazione Italiana Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE) invites post-doc researchers and scholars in History of Economics to make proposals for the presentation...