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Letter to CRUI and MUR for a Doctorate in Historical-Economic Studies

Manuela Mosca, President of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE), Saverio Maria Fratini President of the Associazione Italiana...


Discounted subscriptions to “History of Political Economy” for AISPE members

AISPE is pleased to announce that Duke University Press offers its members discounted subscriptions to History of Political Economy at a rate of $70 for regular...


PRIN “The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999)”: Funded

The PRIN The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999): Methodological Issues, Ideas, Impact, International Connections, a Census and an Online Database has...

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

Women between economic facts and ideas in Italy (1750-1950)

AISPE supports and promotes research on Italian women who, throughout history, influenced and engaged in debates on various economic issues, not only in academia...


Call for curricular internships within the framework of the PRIN “LexEcon. The international research network on the economic lexicon”

The Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, in partnership with the Interuniversity Centre for Documentation on Italian Economic Thought...


“Rethinking Economics”. Cycle of HET video lessons for high schools

AISPE invites scholars to participate in the initiative with self-produced video lessons on the themes of the History of Economic Thought, by choosing (or adding)...


Presentation of AISPE members’ books.

AISPE is pleased to announce the fourth series of the presentation of new member volumes. The calendar is available here Presentation Becchio Presentation Avallone-Strangio Presentation...


AISPE cooperates with national associations in history and economics, particularly with the “Italian Association of Economic Historians” (SISE), enhancing opportunities for the mutual exchange of ideas between members.


Partnership between AISPE and the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Palermo
AISPE-DEMS agreement

AISPE session presented at the 65 tt Annual Scientific Meeting of the “Società Italiana di Economia”, University “Carlo Bo” of Urbino. October 24-26, 2024.
Primato della teoria e rapporto con la storia in Maffeo Pantaleoni, economista e scienziato sociale.

Chair: Claudia Rotondi
Piero Bini, Pantaleoni e la guerra
Stefano Spalletti, Il pensiero economico dalle Marche tra Otto e Novecento. Le relazioni scientifiche tra Pantaleoni, Valenti e Coletti
Giacomo Gabbuti, Dove è il merito? Le posizioni iniziali e finali di Maffeo Pantaleoni sull’uguaglianza di opportunità
Claudia Rotondi, Economia e storia in Pantaleoni: distanze e prossimità

AISPE session presented at the 20th STOREP Annual Conference, University “Aldo Moro” of Bari,  June 15-17, 2023
Italian women from the eighteenth century

Chair: Manuela Mosca, President AISPE
Manuela Mosca (University of Salento), Women of the past between economic actions and culture
Simona Pisanelli (University of Salento), The Economic Writings of Eleonora de Fonseca Pimentel (1752-1799): From the reforming Enlightenment to the Neapolitan Revolution
Antonio Iodice (University of Exeter), Female entrepreneurship in the Genoese aristocracy: Isabella De Mari Doria (1708-1785)

AISPE session presented at  National Conference of the Italian Society for the History of Accountancy (SISR), University of Naples ‘Parthenope’, December 15-16, 2022
Corporate Accounting and Public Enterprises. The contribution of Italian economists

Chair: Manuela Mosca, President AISPE
Letizia Pagliai (University of Turin), Accounting history and Italian economic thought. A historiographical assessment (1861-1945)
Mario Pomini (University of Padua), Giuseppe Palomba and the mathematical theory of company financial statements
Antonio Magliulo (University of Florence), Pasquale Saraceno and the crisis of public enterprise

AISPE session presented at the 63th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Italian Society of Economics. October 20-22, 2022
The Economics of Interdependence in the EU: Evolution, Dominant Paradigms, and Policy Choices
Fabio Masini, L’Unione Europea e le sfide della sostenibilità, 1993-2022
Antonio Magliulo, On the Monetary Relations between America and Europe after Bretton Woods. The Influential Role of Richard N. Cooper
Adelaide Mozzi, L’evoluzione della governance economica europea alla luce della crisi Covid-19 e del conflitto in Ucraina

Presentation of the book Herstory of Economics by Edith Kuiper. Collaboration AISPE-MinervaLab of Sapienza University of Rome. October 13, 2022
Manuela Mosca and Rebeca Gomez Betancourt dialogued with the author (video)

AISPE session presented at the STOREP Conference, Viterbo, May 27, 2022
Liberal democracy and economics in the Italian tradition:
Manuela Mosca – Giovanni Pavanelli, The German Translation of De Viti de Marco’s “Principii dell’economia finanziaria”
Pier Francesco Asso – Sebastiano Nerozzi, Doing math in Mussolini’s pocket: Ernesto Rossi and Fascist public finance (1926-1930)
Paolo Silvestri, Tax Justice, Reciprocity, and Good Government. On Einaudi’s Lost Legacy

Next events »

Presentation of the volume “L’economista anglofilo. Paolo Balsamo e l’utopia liberale in Sicilia (1787-1816)” by Fabrizio Simon

Presentation of the volume “L’economista anglofilo. Paolo Balsamo e l’utopia liberale in Sicilia (1787-1816)” by Fabrizio Simon

Fabrizio Simon and Maria Pia Paganelli present the volume L’economista anglofilo. Paolo Balsamo e l’utopia liberale in Sicilia (1787-1816) by Fabrizio Simon. The...


XVIII AISPE Conference. University of Macerata. October 2-4, 2025.
Deadline for submitting: March 31, 2025

The Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought is organizing the 18th AISPE Conference. The theme of the conference, which will be held at the University...


Special issues HETP and PEI. Call for papers presented at the Rome Conference.
Deadline: March 31, 2025

The journals History of Economic Thought and Policy (HETP) and Pensiero Economico Italiano (PEI) will be glad to publish a special issue based on papers presented...


Call for “Colloquia doctoralia”.
Deadline: February 28, 2025

The Associazione Italiana Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE) invites post-doc researchers and scholars in History of Economics to make proposals for the presentation...