Letter to CRUI and MUR for a Doctorate in Historical-Economic Studies
Manuela Mosca, President of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE), Saverio Maria Fratini President of the Associazione Italiana...
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13/STEC-01/A is a sector to which bibliometric indicators of scientific activity do not apply.
In the VQR, the evaluation of the products of history of economic thought is carried out exclusively through peer review, without the use of indicators, as in other SSD dealing with intellectual history and history of science (e.g. history of mathematics, MAT/04).
Its specificity was acknowledged by ANVUR on the occasion of the VQR 2015-2019 and it was recognised in the VQR 2020-2024, in the document on the evaluation methods of GEV 13b (Economic and Business Sciences), available here: Document GEV_13b
On the peculiarities of the history of economic thought, see:
Baccini A., VQR: il GEV 13, la bibliometria e la storia del pensiero economico, ROARS, 27.04.2012
Baccini A., A Bibliometric Portrait of Contemporary History of Economic Thought, in M. Marcuzzo, G. Deleplace, e P. Paesani (a cura di), New Perspectives on Political Economy and Its History, Palgrave MacMillan, cap. 3, pp. 39-62.
Edwards J. and S. Meardon (eds.), Factoring “Impact” in the History of Economics, Œconomia. History Methodology Philosophy, 11-3 | 2021
Hans-Michael Trautwein (2017),