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Call for papers – deadline March 31st, 2024


Special issues HETP and PEI based on papers presented at the Palermo Conference.
Call for papers – deadline March 31st, 2024

AISPE and the journals History of Economic Thought and Policy (HETP), and Pensiero Economico Italiano (PEI), are preparing special issues based on papers presented at the Palermo Conference.
On behalf of Fabio Masini (HETP) and Fabrizio Bientinesi (PEI), we kindly encourage you to submit your paper by considering those on Italian topics to be addressed to PEI and the others to HETP.
The submission deadline for both issues is March 31st, 2024, at the latest.
Please ensure your submission adheres to the editorial guidelines of each journal, which you can find here: HETP https://francoangeli.azureedge.net/…/nr/spe-norme_en.pdf;
PEI http://www.libraweb.net/Norme.pdf.
All papers submitted for these special issues will undergo the usual peer-review process to ensure the highest quality standard.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact:
Fabio Masini (HETP): fabio.masini@uniroma3.it
Fabrizio Bientinesi (PEI): fabrizio.bientinesi@unipi.it


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