Letter to CRUI and MUR for a Doctorate in Historical-Economic Studies
Manuela Mosca, President of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE), Saverio Maria Fratini President of the Associazione Italiana...
The Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought (AISPE) was established in November 1992 with the purpose of promoting research and encouraging interest in the field of the history of economic thought. To this end the Association organises conferences and seminars and fosters scholar work. AISPE is open to all those who, independently from their professional and academic position, are interested in the study of the historical evolution of economic theories and ideas.
Subscription to the appeal to save the Italian doctorate
in Economic history and History of Economics
On 29 January 2025, the Italian most important economic newspaper, Il Sole 24 Ore, published an appeal by the economist and politician Piero Barucci, one of the most authoritative figures in Italian economic thought. The appeal supports the attempt to establish a PhD program in Italy on economic history and history of economic thought. Prominent Italian economists and politicians such as Giuliano Amato, Pierluigi Ciocca, Claudio de Vincenti, Elsa Fornero, Romano Prodi, Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Paolo Savona, Ignazio Visco, Giorgio La Malfa endorsed it.
Other initiatives have been taken by the Italian HET associations, such as articles in newspapers (huffingtonpost, AISPE president’s comment, Antonio Calabrò’s comment, Stefano Zamagni’s comment, and Paolo Paesani’s comment) and letters to Italian university institutions (letter to CRUI and MUR).
To support this cause, which AISPE has been pursuing for years, please send an email to storiaeconomia.appello@gmail.com indicating name, role and institution.
Subscriptions are continuously updated